York Memorial Presbyterian Church About Us


The church was started by two men looking for a church home who met in 1933, in the middle of the great depression. Services were held in the Major Assembly Hall on Rogers Road at first. The first service had 10 families.

In March 1934, permission was granted by the Presbytery to use the name York Presbyterian Church.

In the spring of 1936, Rev. David P. Rowland became the first ordained minister. A grant of $1,500 was received from the Presbyterian Church and Manse Fund to buy the land on Keele Street.

Rev. Rowland introduced tithing and this has become a central part of the people's lives.

Our Minister

The Rev. Solomon Umazi, Ph.D., Minister in-Charge

Tel: 647.937.8302

E-mail: minister@yorkmemorialpresbyterianchurch.ca

We are a team of passionate and dedicated individuals

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